On several threads I have posted some of my thoughts and I took some time to put them together and edit a bit. Sort of the lazy man's way of writing down his thoughts.
I thought I would share them here as well as on Myspace.
You may find it interesting, or strange, or of no particular value.
Their only some of my thoughts...
The unseen are easily forgotten.
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/1349158/imageswe have these tent cities here in Vancouver as well.
These are people. They are just unseen by most. These are people easily forgotten.
These are people who need the greatest help. These are the people I would protect
This is something that is happening everywhere. All across the U.S. and Canada, there are more and more people forced to live on the street.
Maybe there is'nt much we can do to end this sort of thing, but we can take care of this level of society. The lowest level. The most vulnerable. The most preyed upon.
Every so often I get reminded of things as they are. I was brought up Christian, and told it was my duty, as one, to take care of the poor. Anyone can see the reason for all of this. Greed.
It is greed that pushes the vultures to prey on the homeless. When I see things like this happening I know that the dealers and pimps wil be right there. Preying on them.
I'm sorry to get so uptight about this but they are the biggest reason I am doing this. They need us to stand up for them. That's why I am who I am.
Thanatos is the ancient name of the personification of death.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThanatosHe is the fore-runner of the grim reaper. I modernized him with a hat, tie, suit and coat inspired by the Shadow and others. (The long robe and sythe don't work too well in real life.) I wanted a character every one could be afraid of. To prey on the greatest fear, that of death. Very menacing to criminals.
I have personal reasons as well for the character development that I can't really go into.
They are the reason I became Thanatos.
I was told by a cop once that most of the people who live on the street have nothing to look forward to but death.
I became death.
If their going to look forward to death, then maybe death had better watch out for them. Guess that's why I'm doing this. Just to try to stop them from being used, preyed upon, forgotten and disposed of. Even if it's just by a small amount.
Just trying to take some small bit of care for them. It's in all reality, it's all we might be able to do. I just don't want them to be forgotten. Storys like this should drive home to people that there is a problem.Reconizing that is the first step.
I'm not sure of the next....
We had the Picton case just a while ago in the news. This was the ending to what was named "The missing women case".
Prostitutes from the east end were disappearing for almost a year before anyone noticed. Even then little more was done than to paste pictures of missing women.
Very few people even tried to search for them.
They caught the serial killer almost by accident. They were not looking for any one particular person.
This is what has happened to society. We now have disposable people.
God help us all.
Sometimes it can make a person feel guilty for what he has.
I sat there in front of the computer the other day, grumbling and complaining about moving at the end of the month. (I HATE moving. My father was in the army and we moved every 12 to 18 months until I was in my teens) Bitching about all the work, the boxes everywhere. Where did all this shit come from in the first place?
Then I saw the above article and felt bad that I was bitching and these people don't have anything. Not even the desire to live.
I got angry with myself, for being so selfish. At the world for being the way it is. And I got mad because thee is so little that can be done realisticly.
My anger towards the last makes me just want to do more, to try and protect them. To try to help them. To understand them. I have always tried to always see them as people. Not just faceless shapes, but people first.
We all can only do what we can.
See? Just thoughts.....